AMAC in the Media

AMAC Magazine Exclusive – Unrealistic Union Demands

Posted on Thursday, March 10, 2022
The Association of Mature American Citizens

By: Bob Carlstrom

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA) are the national public school teacher labor unions and operate as do other industry labor unions through local area chapters (“union locals”). Both implement their political strategies through the locals and collect mandatory dues through them to fund their local and national political activities.

Read the Full Article in the Digital Edition of the AMAC Magazine

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2 years ago

I can say that the only place I worked where the unions were so strong was as a physical therapist in Washington State. We have moved from that state and we are now living in a state with a great Governor. Alas I have had the unfortunate diagnosis of Parkinson’s hoisted on me. I can say that the children I saw were so neglected by the other therapists and teachers in this school district. One other therapist was also a fill-in person like myself. I asked him why and he said because of the union. He had been there several years. I have worked with children both here and overseas and I have never encountered this where the therapists were required to join the union. I have worked in physical therapy for 55 + years and I believe the things I have done and places I have worked have prepared me for today and what I see happening in this country. I could go on and on but I hope to write my husband’s memoir before (I will include a chapter on our married life) I totally succumb to this terrible thing that I have. I really believe it came from my time working in the soviet union and middle east in health care. Thank you for letting this old lady expound (82 this June). Carol PS I say DOWN WITH SCHOOL UNIONS!

2 years ago

Get rid of the unions.

2 years ago

Get rid of the unions.

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