AMAC in the Media

AMAC Statement on Vaccine Mandates

Posted on Monday, January 31, 2022
AMAC Action

AMAC objects to the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional federal mandates, and specifically mandatory federal COVID-19 vaccinations. These federal mandates eclipse individual liberties, imperil large and small businesses, and usurp powers that rightly belong, under the 10th Amendment, with the “states and the people.” We support and defend individual liberty and respect for states’ rights.  We believe Americans have the right to choose to either accept or deny any therapeutic treatment, in consultation with their personal physician and in accord with state laws, and that they deserve to live without fear of government mandating how they will preserve the quality and length of their lives. In accord, any business vaccine mandate must allow employees to opt-out for medical reasons, religious beliefs, or immunity created by previous infection, and must include reasonable prevention protocols.  The nation’s health matters, but our nation is premised on liberties that – in the end – are inviolate.  

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Bobbi Sommer
Bobbi Sommer
2 years ago

AMAC should support H.R. 6534, the Stop Arduous Vaccine Enforcement (SAVE) Act of 2022. To stop hospitals from denying transplant patients and their donors medical care because one is not vaxxed !!

David L Neal
David L Neal
2 years ago

The 10th Amendment was the result of arguments about state rights versus federal rights. Which rights would the states give to the federal government and which rights would the states retain. James Madison said “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in State governments are numerous and indefinite” (The Know Your Bill of Rights Book by Sean Patrick). This article is making the statement that the federal government has violated our Constitution by mandating vaccines above and beyond states rights. Yes! It is wrong for the federal and state governments to mandate experimental vaccines. But that was not the point of this article. Only that the federal government had taken power where it had no power to begin with.

2 years ago

Both the federal government and the states have no right to mandate any person be subject to experimental medicine for a virus that has death rate of 0.03%. These are not vaccines, they are not effective and they have killed thousands of people and left even more with life long disabilities.

2 years ago

While I agree it seems to violate the 10th amendment if nothing else, and hate mandated anything, I don’t see how this is different than mandating a ludicrous amount of vaccines to our babies, often causing proven medical issues/reactions as a consequence. Crazy either way.

2 years ago

Thank you for your stance on this AMAC. It is much appreciated.

Trudy Hutchens
Trudy Hutchens
2 years ago

Thank you. In light of the fact that these shots no longer provide immunity they should not be called vaccines. They are a treatment. Vaccines defer immunity. The long list of people who have suffered heart and other issues from the treatment should be enough to put a halt to these experiments treatments. However if someone wants that treatment they are free to choose it. I am weary of those I know getting this treatment and then ending up in the hospital with the virus. It is time to take a clear educated look at all of this.

Roy Hutchens
Roy Hutchens
2 years ago

There right not to get the vaccine should not infringe on my right for them not to give me the virus. I say the government has every right to mandate this. These people have had plenty of time to get the vaccine now it’s time for the government to push them. I’ve heard that some countries are taxing non vaccinated persons. I whole hardly support this as they are mostly the ones needing hospitalization and exposing our health care workers needlessly.

2 years ago

What is this? Awaiting for “Approval???” Sieg Heil!

2 years ago

Thank you AMAC! I completely agree with you!

In addition to vaccine mandates, the “Democrat Face Diaper” (DFD) also violates our Rights. Because I am NOT a Democrat, why should I wear a DFD? It is the Dems who need the Face Diaper because of what comes out of their mouths!

2 years ago

Thank you AMAC! I completely agree with you!

In addition to vaccine mandates, the “Democrat Face Diaper” (DFD) also violates our Rights. Because I am NOT a Democrat, why should I wear a DFD? It is the Dems who need the Face Diaper because of what comes out of their mouths!

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