AMAC in the Media

Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, “Uncle Tom”

Posted on Friday, September 11, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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Joanne K Lanciotti
Joanne K Lanciotti
3 years ago

It’s time for American people to view CHARITE AT WAR, THE LIVES OF OTHERS and THE WHITE RIBBON, movies which are truly good resources for understanding how socialism develops. …..its like “the fog that rolls in on little cat feet” No one wants to believe this could happen, but it can. The first movie illustrates so many issues, but the most consuming is in Hitler’s Germany and what they do to babies and young children who may be born with a defect, minor or otherwise. The second movie about Germany during issues surrounding the “Wall” illustrate very well the orchestration of censorship, and what may befall those who speak out about injustice. As for the third movie, the viewer will witness the subtle “birth” of “little Hitlers”. I’m sure if anyone can see any one or all of these movies, you will certainly see some despicable characters, and one or two may remind you of Nancy Pelosi, more likely the Hitler inarnate herself, Kamala Harris. Even though it’s truly not in my nature to”condemn” others, for some reason witnessing “soullessness” entities has compelled me to do so.

Henry Stuckey
Henry Stuckey
3 years ago

Great show! I see lots of commentary on Pelosi, Harris, and Uncle Tom, but not so much on vaccines, which is the issue I’d like to comment on. The emphasis on a COVID-19 vaccine is very concerning, We do not have a credible public discussion of the pros and cons of vaccines; especially lacking is awareness of the cons. Vaccines have side effects, described by the CDC as “adverse events”. Of particular concern is the 1986 Vaccine act passed by Congress indemnifying vaccine makers from these “events”, and establishing the Vaccine Court whose payouts are tax-payer funded. Vaccine makers have ZERO liability – this is not an incentive for either safety or efficacy. As the parent of a vaccine-injured child who fortunately eventually recovered from her “event”, what concerns me most is the suppression and demonization of doctors and researchers with credible, scientific concerns regarding vaccine safety and efficacy. Particularly with respect to COVID-19, there are effective non-vaccine treatments available. I fear the potential for a government-mandated vaccine “solution” which will be neither legal nor effective. I encourage all to do your own homework on vaccines. A great place to start is, which has a 9-part documentary on the subject. Of particular note are the sessions with Dr Robert Kennedy Jr, Dr Andrew Wakefield, and Dr Rashid Bashar. All of you have my profound best wishes for a healthy and happy rest of the year.

Dan Umbaugh
Dan Umbaugh
3 years ago

Is AMAC looking into the vaccines that President Trump is so eager to promote? Just how safe are they? There is a lot of evidence that they are not safe. Please speak up for safety! Thanks.

Allen Curtis
Allen Curtis
3 years ago

I love this. I wish you had a TV channel!

June Darley
June Darley
3 years ago

Look forward to your report.Thanks

3 years ago

who pad for polosi trip to get her hairfixed

3 years ago

The dems realize that they have no candidate and no platform and they are aghast. If they had found a credible candidate a year ago they may have had a chance. Who ? I don’t know if they have one. If they were smart, they would now start to work on 2024 but they are obsessed
with being in control now. They have actually helped Trump achieve his goals for the last 4 years. Lets hope they continue to do so. These people are easy to figure out. They rely on deception but they have deceived no one.

Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash
3 years ago

There ain’t no good in an evil hearted woman !

Timothy A. Duskin
Timothy A. Duskin
3 years ago

Uncle Tom is also on YouTube.

3 years ago

if…”when” president trump is reelected the left will riot, loot, burn & worse. if joe biden wins.. the left will celebrate..riot,loot,burn & worse. this is now thier ” NORM ” and make themselves KNOWN.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

By CDC of 8/22/2020 the number of persons who died from COVID-19 without other complications was 9210, not 161,392.  The Communist News Media claims are intentionally inflated by over 1600 percent!  Stop listening to the Communist News Media (CBS, ABC, NBC, Cable news, etc.)!!  Bad information is dangerous and worse than none!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

I began watching the NFL in 1955.  Through the 1960’s, it kept improving.  In the last 25 years, the NFL lost its roots. Can’t watch more than 15 minutes without getting disgusted!!  Now, they intend to open this season with all sorts of unAmerican and American Hating so call accommodations to rich Cry-Babies!!!  Respect our Country, our Flag, and our National Anthem !!!!  To Patriots, the NFL is NOW Officially DEAD!!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

To Republican Leaders, we have voted for you for decades because “Tax and Spend” is essentially Communism and unconstitutional!  Today, President Donald J. Trump has more than tripled your BASE!!  For decades, you have had NO VIABLE candidates for President!!  “W” only won to keep-out the Communists!! But most of your “leaders” are just Communists with a different suit!!!  It is time to JOIN the TRUMP rebirth of the American Revolution!!!! Lead, Follow, or GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!  Today, your BASE are Anti-Communists and Counter-Revolutionaries!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

It is time to STOP covering-up for the FBI and the rest of the Swamp!!  They are how Antifa and BLM, etc. are getting organization and logistics support!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Choose you sources of News.  Reject all Mainstream Media, National and Local!  We are being brainwashed!!  SUE THEM when they lie and defame!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Antifa and BLM are guilty of murder and are trying to destroy our Government and make us a Communist Country!!  The Democrats and the Swamp are tied to the fundraising of both of these terrorist/Communist organizations!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Compromise is not possible with Democrats (Communists)!  Their only purpose is to make all Americans dependent on the government!!  To consider a Democrat a colleague is to be a Collaborator with the Communists!!! Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

In debate, Lincoln stated that everyone should be able to “eat from the work of their own hands”!!  This phrase is an excellent summation of what America Means!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Big Tech and The Media believe they rule America!  The believe they can tell us what to say and do!  Show Big Tech and the Media they are wrong and we are a FREE PEOPLE!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

By the Marx/Engels Playbook, the United States is in the middle of a Communist Revolution lead by the Democrats!!  WAKE-UP!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Our founders left Europe because of stifling regulation!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN, find an alternative to Public Education.  It destroys individual thinking!!  Charter and Parochial Schools can be OK but Home Education is best although it may require lifestyle changes.  EACH OF US MUST CHOOSE!  “IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN…”

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

THE Democrat (Communist) REVOLUTION” is the revolution against God!!! Join the TRUMP Movement!!! Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Keep the Trump Movement growing!  It is the rebirth of the American Revolution!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

When the Communist “Reign of Terror” going-on now in Democrat controlled cities becomes nationwide after a Trump/Pence Victory, we will not be able to avoid defending ourselves and our Country against the rioting and bloodshed!  We must be ready to “Take-up Arms and FIGHT!!”  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

3 years ago

Nancy Pelosi is a liar and a hypocrite. Like Nero she will watch America burn. But blame someone else.
She is at fault for so many bad things that are happening in our country today. I worry. What will America look
like if the Dems win?

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

The msm never covers the truth on any criminal activity, there are NO ISMS in democracy, they ALL represent a small so-called elitist faction interested in only themselves getting more of everything than anyone else, power, money, fame, control by any means necessary even CRIMINAL actions, unfortunately socialist/dems control the legal system which is why these thugs keep getting out of jail time, some arrested HUNDREDS of times!! If properly punished they would be unable to commit so many crimes, which is why our courts are so jammed up, revolving door arrest and release DOES’NT WORK FOR THE VICTIMS who they are SUPPOSED TO PROTECT!!! WE NEED TO CHANGE THE LEGAL SYSTEM. VOTE LAW AND ORDER!!

Nancy Lipkins
Nancy Lipkins
3 years ago

Dear Mr. President While you are happy about the vaccines being produced at a record pace There are Millions of people who will not take them. First if anyone says they are safe is (I hate to say this does not know what they are talking about) Dr. Fake and Bill Gates would rather kill off a million people with their vaccines and a mandate that everybody take this vaccine. I for one will not take this FAKE vaccine .

3 years ago

WOW//2 women from hell==PELOSI and HARRIS and the buddies from the liberal loonie squad// They are joined by dementia joe biden and then we have chucky schumer// You democrats have a great deal to be proud of with the riots and looting taking place in only DEMOCRATIC cities and the liberal mayor cities like NY/LA/Portland/Seattle/Rochester/It is very obvious to everyone and the liberals turn a blind eye// ELECTION is COMING//

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Kamala Harris, like ALL Dimm socialists, is a HYPOCRITE!! She (said she) believed Blasey Ford who couldn’t say when or where she was “assaulted” and was contradicted by her best friend, but evidently is OK with someone raping (with current testimony) a young lady! Just to cater to the BLM thugs which, if you watch the news tapes, is mostly young white women. They don’t give a **** about BLACKS!!!

Martin Bail
Martin Bail
3 years ago

There have been many arrests of arsonists, not just a couple celebrating the gender of their baby. There have been BLM and Antifa staging areas discovered with many accelerants there. These terrorists are deliberately destroying the west coast, harming everyone’s health with the pollution they’re creating, and killing and injuring people, livestock, and wildlife.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

Ben missed an important point when he spoke about the accused rapist. one of the reasons the police showed up was that he “digitally assaulted” the woman while he was violating his restraining order at her domicile. Pelosi and Harris are primary examples of the kakistocracy that exists in government today. Iam no longer amazed by what they do or say. MAGA/KAF/KAG 2020

Julia Stockover
Julia Stockover
3 years ago

There’s been a lot of warnings about the vaccine containing tracking chips. Please check into what assurance we have that the vaccine isn’t part of the new world stage

3 years ago

The fake news at it again. I just read the AP about the Northwest fires and they said that they have to do with climate change. They totally ignore the fact that the environmentalists have disrupted forest management and that so many of these fires were deliberately set by anarchist arsonists, 13 have whom have have been arrested. Then they have a byline about the fires in Oregon and say 500,000 had to be evacuated. You read the article and you discover that the 500,000 is the entire west coast, not just Oregon.

3 years ago

The fake news at it again. I just read the AP about the Northwest fires and they said that they have to do with climate change. They totally ignore the fact that the environmentalists have disrupted forest management and that so many of these fires were deliberately set by anarchist arsonists, 13 have whom have have been arrested. Then they have a byline about the fires in Oregon and say 500,000 had to be evacuated. You read the article and you discover that the 500,000 is the entire west coast, not just Oregon.

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