
election vote

Wedge issues decide close elections by energizing each party's base and drawing stark contrasts. Which ONE is likely to be the most important wedge issue between Democrats and Republicans in November?

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Thomas Castelli
Thomas Castelli
3 years ago

The real “Wedge” issue is Capitalism vs Socialism/Communism. That is the real dilemma. Biden is a babbling husk puppet under control of the radical left. If Biden gets elected that is the end of the USA.

Brian B
Brian B
3 years ago

The Democrats/Marxists have a plan for America: First, we must accept “the new normal” and wear masks until their “medical experts” say we can remove them (clue: not any time soon). We must continue to isolate from supportive people, and be reeducated by media/swamp/experts. We must not engage in rational independent thought, especially conservative or Christian beliefs. We must surrender our guns; we must become hopeless, helpless and submissive. Then we must be individually tracked by cell phone technology in a national database for any viral infection, or any succeeding pathogen, no matter how benign. Finally, we must be shackled by our Democrat overlords who have “experts” and “science” on their side to mock our “Christian backwardness” and then alternatively promise to make us perpetually equal via “social justice.”

The political tactics of Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, Maduro, Saddam Hussein, Castro, Kim reign supreme in the Democrat Party. Beware of anyone who promises equality without responsibility, or safety without self-determination.

Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

It’s the economy, Stupid !!
Not really under the control of any president but where the economy is and how many people are unemployed at the end of October will decide which party wins in November.

3 years ago

What is the point of government when the whole country is divided. Nothing will ever get done. It’s sad and true.

3 years ago

I think the real wedge issue is Trump vs. someone that’s not Trump. Trump Derangement Syndrome is about as divisive and devilish as it gets.

Deacon William Cunningham
Deacon William Cunningham
3 years ago

Missing one: life vs death. The left party believes that one should be “free” to murder the unborn, even the once-born, and to eliminate the terminally ill with or without consent. Human life is THE issue. The right, meaning correct, party, must vigorously defend the life of these marginalized humans, and acknowledge that every human being, made in the image and likeness of God, has dignity and the right to life.

3 years ago

It appears the virus is going to follow its own path. With Biden people should understand his VP and who they will select as their VP

Cheryl Stewart
Cheryl Stewart
3 years ago

The rule of law will always prevail, but the cost of another shutdown will have devastating consequences on our economy and country.

Les Jones
Les Jones
3 years ago

There is never more important issue than public safety. Millions more of us law abiding people depend on the police for security. Without them the mob rules and there are too many lilly-liveried politicians In cities across the country unwilling to put security before whatever social issues start the looting and burning. We need strong police forces and we need leaders who will support them.

3 years ago

There really should be an ‘All of the Above’. There are such stark differences between the parties these days. It seems the democrats just want to destroy everything, go along with the Mob, and tear up our wonderful Constitution! Why? I believe it is because of their hatred of Donald Trump! They will destroy our country in an attempt to get him out of office! Very sad!

Thomas Duncan
Thomas Duncan
3 years ago

These are All equally important

Linda Kay
Linda Kay
3 years ago

All of the above should have been an option. You have to be an idiot to vote Democrat in the upcoming election.

Gary Zay
Gary Zay
3 years ago


Ronald Nordquist
Ronald Nordquist
3 years ago

The actual wedge issue hasn’t surfaced yet but usually it’s the economy and Trump will not be blamed for the C19 slow down. Mobs vs Jobs is a great way to couch and phrase these concerns. It covers the economy, the police defunding and the lawlessness/destruction of our national heritage and history.

James Anglin
James Anglin
3 years ago

You keep sending me member stuff. I selected to become a member, however you never sent me a membership package or cards or anything. Therefore I am not a member. Please stop sending me stuff.

3 years ago

The poll doesn’t include socialism vs freedom. The left is using every trick they can come up with to draw the lemmings in. We need to stand firmly against this and have no excuse for not voting. Voting against being controlled in everything we do by the government is our only choice.

3 years ago

The economic shutdown is causing unrest. Put people back to work. I am far more concerned about this than death from COVID-19.

3 years ago


3 years ago

At 65 I see nothing but evil when I look at the democrat party. They hate Trump so much and anyone that cares for him and his agenda. From Pelosi on down every thing they stand for goes against the very fiber of this country…will take years to recover. I do see some wavering from Trump due to sick of the fight…I beg of you stand firm or I have a strong inkling that what we have seen thus far is nothing like what is coming.

Ron S
Ron S
3 years ago

There are so many important wedge issues it’s hard to choose just one. I think the fact that we are so divided as a country is one of the main reasons we need a strong conservative leader. We are on the verge of another civil war and I don’t think we would survive as a nation under Democrat rulership.

3 years ago

In reality, all of the answers form one summary option: Restore the Nation to its foundational principles -vs- Destroying those foundations in favor of Socialism. A new Socialistic government where the ruling class is favored with absolute power to intimidate the rest of the citizens to “shut up or put up” with their demands. Freedom is gone.

Larry Taylor
Larry Taylor
3 years ago

I don’t think the move to defund the police will ever get any traction. History is being deleted every day

3 years ago

The LIFE issue was not mentioned. That is the main focus of the Democrats. If you don’t have life, what need is there for anything else. We need to stop calling these killer “pro-choice”. The only “choice” is to be able to kill your baby. We need to call them “anti-life”. ALL lives matter and yet, black babies are killed more in aboriton than any other color.

3 years ago

I think the difference will be paper ballots because with paper ballots, the democrats have a better chance of winning. I with winning they can push their objectives for all of the above.

3 years ago

The overall issue in this election is right versus left. All of the above fall into one of those two categories.If we do not recognize the evil forces that are determined to destroy our unique way of governing, we will join others on the trash heap of history. I pray for God’s mercy on us. He is the only one who can fix this mess we have allowed to develop.

Michael Gehring
Michael Gehring
3 years ago

I’m sick and tired of hearing I’m a privileged white person. The race baiting crowd has to go. I’m not responsible for what my ancestors did. I don’t owe anyone anything.

David Wyncoop
David Wyncoop
3 years ago

Where to begin, so much to address so little space or time. For any of you who watch NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC news, etc., please stop. FOX has several very good stations and programs along with FOX Nation. OAN (One American News) is excellent. I have questioned the views of a few of the FOX hosts and contributors from time to time. Not so on OAN. FOX tries a bit over the top sometimes to be “fair and balanced”. I think they often shoot themselves in the foot by allowing some of these liberals to spew out their garbage. Typically OAN minimizes the “equal and balanced” thing and keeps on the straight and narrow. One really great show is on OAN at 8 pm, The Daily Ledger with Graham Ledger. Oh, by the way, I used to watch The Five on FOX at 5 pm faithfully but FOX refused to get rid of Juan Williams (watch him and see why). I switched to Lou Dobbs on the FOX Business nework. I miss The Five but I got tired of muting Juan Williams or fast forwarding through his rants. When you want to identify something counterfeit, study the real item. If you want fair and balanced you might as well watch NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC news, etc. That’s how to become a liberal.

Michael J Vercande
Michael J Vercande
3 years ago

The big issue was the economy, the democraps wanted it to crash and for the people to be dependent on the government. The people said f that open the economy back up and let’s get this back to normal and stop all the fear mongering. The fake news kept pushing that this virus was going to kill millions and the flu actually killed more than this virus did, but they were inflating the numbers by counting every single death that happened as a coronavirus related death. Instead of saying this person died of a heart attack, this person died of old age and so on.
VOTE DEM OUT in 2020, T ?? R ?? U ?? M ?? P ?? 2020.

John D
John D
3 years ago

The stark contrast between Republicans and Democrats has widened over this generation (~30 years). It appears that democrats have adopted a preference toward globalization over nationalism and I cannot consciously support loosing our hard-earned identity. These current democrats threaten most of our liberties and threaten our security. Their demands of open borders, weak representation, gun control, free trade (that actually isn’t free for America), defunding police, promoting racial tensions, and overall big-government control has created this rift in our country. It is my opinion that foreign influence is behind these democratic goals in an effort to dismantle America. The foreign donations and bribes are at our highest levels and exhibited by the corrupt Justice system under the Obama years and also the Biden -Ukraine deal recently exposed. This corruption involving dismantling Americas check & balance form of government has been under attack for some time as suggested. Overwhelming conservative and Nationalism support is imperative if we are to preserve our Nation.

John E Cudzilo
John E Cudzilo
3 years ago

Every choice in the “Wedge Issue” poll are equally important. “If I were to choose just one” does not apply!

Donald King
Donald King
3 years ago

All 5 of the first listed items are definite wedges.

3 years ago

I know all these issues cross peoples’ minds, but it seems like in most elections “jobs” ends up being the priority. If the US can withstand the “mobs” which will hopefully calm down, and people get back to “jobs” which are on the uptick , I think President Trump can win re-election.

Mary Nadwodny
Mary Nadwodny
3 years ago

There is anew history text book being implemented in schools this September. Written by a woman of color with lots of initials behind her name. One of the wrong things it is teaching is the Revolutionary war was fought to have slavery here. And did y’all know that there are homosexual books in elementary school libraries such as “Johnny Has Two Mommie’s” and sex Ed now is so appalling that even principles can’t do anything about it. The battle is for the mind and the adversary is winning.

3 years ago

Honestly, every single issue is one that will be decisive and divisive at the same time in my opinion. The drive to entirely change the identity of our great country is very far along and is extremely dangerous. The steps from removing our history, to replacing it, opening borders, eliminating law and order, creating chaos, and having a state run media, are all leading to Marxism, then communism!! The liberals must be stopped! A major civil war is brewing in America and the silent majority can no longer afford to be silent!

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

Many issues are on the table. The Patriots of this country have to come out and vote. The only lesson the progressives,socialists,or any other label that applies to these people will understand is through utter and complete destruction at the polls. No more politicians like AOC and her gang. The future of our children and grandchildren is at stake. The choice is clear.

3 years ago

Educate your kids, grandchildren and nieces and nephews on the evils of socialism (Democrats). I hear so many say they are afraid to have political conversations with their children and young people. I feel for the next generation that have been indoctrinated in public schools and colleges.

Mary Nadwodny
Mary Nadwodny
3 years ago

Agenda 2 on YouTube. Explains how communism took over education, and the Democratic Part and religion behind our backs while most of us were unaware. It’s an award winning documentary. A MUST see.

Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
3 years ago

All of you folks hit the nail on the head. But the bottom line in all this, is political action and a great President like Trump, who I pray will get back in, is not the solution. It is SIN, plain and simple. It bad to see that only 6% of American adults hold on to a biblical world view. Only 51% have a traditional view of God. Used to be 73% in1991. Secular humanism is now the religion. It all started in the 60’s. God is now an afterthought. The church is also to blame to as most sermons are basically psychologically feel good stuff. There is no talk of heaven, hell, satan, sin, and most of all repentance. Which the last thing I just said is not happening. In all this, there is a lot of going back to God, but, no repentance. This is also God bringing all things to a close. He is about to bring true justification upon the world.

Allan Emigh
Allan Emigh
3 years ago

Several things have to be looked at first Liberals are about massive goverment full of little kings that can destroy anyone of us with jail or even death this has happen through out time. Conservatives want every individual to become all they can and those who struggle are helped by the rest.
A lot of what is going on is that the rule of law is now being applied to them if they can stop Trump then they will not be tried for Crimes against humanity, TREASON, money laundering, murder, and the list is endless.
No human, animal, national park, will find compasion under liberal rule, converservativism will lift man to his greatest potental while protecting the planet.

3 years ago


3 years ago

I empathize with all who suffer.
But I will not be bullied into accepting the sins of others!

Calvin Cassidy
Calvin Cassidy
3 years ago


Will Vogelgesang
Will Vogelgesang
3 years ago

We are in end times which means we can’t go back the way we where. Christ is coming very soon the signs are there not even the deep state can stop him. Judgement is coming quickly no escape.

3 years ago

If there isn’t law and order, then the other issues are moot. Trump 2020 ??

Eleanor Benda
Eleanor Benda
3 years ago

If we don’t reteach history as it really is, by going back to basics including the constitution and ethics, none of the other items are going to be of importance.

3 years ago

All will be wedge contraversary, You forgot the “New way forward” Act sitting in the House waiting for the elections outcome and the unconstitutional House action to make Washington DC the 51st state. The one I chose, defunding police will be a hot topic.

3 years ago

You really need to have an option for “All the Above”

3 years ago

We can either make America great again with Trump or make America miserable with Bidon

Ken Day
Ken Day
3 years ago

There is not just one issue between the parties, its anything that can get a voter to support either party. Trump has a ego about proving that he can make America a leader again as far as economy goes. The GOP will support him as long as he keeps a large base for them to get elected. The Dems are ready to sell the country as long as they control the purse strings. Sorros has pumped a lot of money to destabilize various countries and the USA is in his sights. The Dems have decided to do ANYTHING to get Trump out of office and prove that working Americans dont deserve the economy Trump orchestrated.

3 years ago

Hitler called the elites, the professors, the media even the many of the clergy USEFUL IDIOTS.

And we see where that got the world. Far too died because his lies motivated millions and killed 10s of millions. He started by declaring that JEWS were a plague that needed to be eliminated.

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