

President Biden announced a new mandate requiring businesses with 100+ employees mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for their employees and perform weekly testing for unvaccinated employees or face severe penalties. Which most closely represents your opinion?

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J Van Horn
J Van Horn
2 years ago

First this moron in chief has no clue what he is doing and his handlers (Obama, Rice, Clinton’s Etc) are calling the shots. They will stop at nothing to circumvent the constitution and We the People, because the mainstream media refuses to tell anyone the truth. They claim anyone including medical doctors that do not agree with their narrative is spreading misinformation, which is exactly what the Biden administration along with the mainstream media has been doing since the start of this so-called pandemic. Never forget Fauci couldn’t make up his mind whether a make was good or not. Then the vaccine was the cure all, now you still need a mask to protect yourself from the unvaccinated. They can kiss my ass, which is exactly what the Democraps and the mainstream media wipe their asses with. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

B.K. Brown
B.K. Brown
2 years ago

Government needs to stay out of personal medical decisions !!!

2 years ago

Can I vote for 5 out of the 6? If the Federal Government stuck to what it is permitted to do in the Constitution, all of our lives would be much better.

2 years ago

I’m sorry but Biden is ruinning this country ! He needs to be removed as well as his whole administration.

2 years ago

I have but one comment, Fook Biden and his whole administration of communists!

2 years ago

we should have been able to click more than one, is all I have to say about it. Getting way too many fingers in the pot, so to speak. Tyrannical comes closest and should be resisted.

Rich Summers
Rich Summers
2 years ago

There is no Constitutional provision for the federal government to be involved in healthcare and education. Where are the lawyers who are supposed to defend the Constitution?

2 years ago

This is a power grab (again) from biden. On one side you have harris yelling my body my choice (in reference to abortion), then you have biden saying it’s not about freedom and tries to mandate where is a must to get the jab if you want it or not.
Show’s how bad this government has gotten. It’s a big I and little u or do as I say and not as I do government.
I am so sick and tired of all this BULLSHIT.

Narlene Guest
Narlene Guest
2 years ago

CURRENT ADMINISTRATION is ALL TRAITORS (IN MY OPINION) AND belong in GITMO. America CANNOT SURVIVE under the RADICAL communistic administration which was bought illegally.

2 years ago

If we don’t move to rein in our over-reaching federal government we will have no one to blame but ourselves for not taking a stand. For instance, the vaccinated need to understand that they have as much skin in this game as the unvaccinated! Next year it will be liberties THEY care about that will be yanked forcibly out of their hands.

2 years ago

This is another example of federal government intrusion that is not permitted under the Constitution. Our Founders gave us limited government, but the Democrats repeatedly violate the Constitution to expand their reach and their power. Besides, the vaccine is not really a vaccine. It does not prevent you from contracting the virus – it mitigates the impact. That is helpful in itself, but there are cases where vaccinated people have died. Biden is using COVID to divide us further – and take our attention away from his other blunders.

2 years ago

Just another overreach by the Biden administration.
Keep covid front and center until the next election and of course as a distraction from the total destaster that they have turned this country into.
I sure miss TRUMP

2 years ago

If Biden is so itchy to put vaccine mandates on people, why doesn’t he head down to the border and start vaccinating the additional 10,000 people from Haiti that he is about to let into the country.

David Densmore
David Densmore
2 years ago

#s 3, 4 & 6 are a subset of #1, with #1 feeling angry.

The states don’t have a right to mandate vaccines either.

I think most people are starting to understand that this isn’t Polio, Chicken Pox or the Measles but another form of the flu, with a new and different name, and inflated numbers. They couldn’t gain control of the sheeples if it was the “China flu” or “Wuhan Flu” or the “C19 Flu”. People would rightfully not agree with all these mandates for just another flu.

This has been a test of the American people. If you’re a socialist communist, it’s been a success. If you’re a person of liberty, you know that the American people have failed. they’ve proved themselves to me sheeples.

D. Brooks
D. Brooks
2 years ago

Biden is a complete moron. Donald Trump warned us. He said the far left radicals were after all law abiding American’s and Mr. Trump was standing in their way. Trump 2024 lets take back our country from these circus clowns!

Lyle Maberry
Lyle Maberry
2 years ago

President Biden has no credibility when he chooses laws that oppress citizens and does nothing about testing and mandating vaccines for illegals (includes democrats, rhinos in congress and postal workers). Also dividing Americans is not leadership it is treasonous! Vaccines not to be pro choice not abortions!

Bill Williams
Bill Williams
2 years ago

Show me one thing Biden and his happy band of crooks has not screwed up. This man and his administration is out to destroy America, no question.

Lawrence Mitchell
Lawrence Mitchell
2 years ago

biden is a senile puppet for the Dumacrats and should be put in an assisted living institution.

2 years ago

Biden must be removed from office and these executive orders revoked. We need a law prohibiting mandating vaccines as a condition to participate in the freedoms in this country. We should have a right to not put things into our bodies that we don’t want and still be able to work, go to school and participate in other livelihoods.

Francis Cizmar
Francis Cizmar
2 years ago

Obama must be removed. Biden is just a puppet.

Anthony Truppa
Anthony Truppa
2 years ago

There is so much misinformation and contradictory directives it’s no small wonder people are distrustful of recommendations, advisories and mandates. This confusion has all been brought about by our so called leaders and they continue to mislead band outright lie about things. Then you add to the already bad situation government pitting people against one an other by stirring up division PLUS blocking free soeech discussion on the matter and you have the mess we are experiencing and it’s only worsening.

Pray for reason and open minds to prevail!

2 years ago

Why aren’t our Republican leaders in Congress actively trying to remove Biden from office? What he is doing is dictatorship.

2 years ago

Until the southern border is totally shut down, bumbling Biden has no credibility. Why do American tax paying citizens who belong in this country have to watch illegal alien invaders get special treatment? They get a choice of vaccination while disrespecting our immigration laws (aided by the bumbler-in-chief and cackling Kamala), receive free passage into our country spreading below the border variants to us, the legal citizens. To add insult to injury we now have to pay for the freebies these people will receive: free education, medical, welfare, food stamps, etc for their lifetimes. Totally upside down! Take down the birdfeeder, shut the border so we can get control of the pandemic and get our citizens healthy. All of those who illegally walked across the border need to be found and sent back to their homes and told to apply for legal entry. Why do I have to follow our rules while illegals don’t?

Bob Colby
Bob Colby
2 years ago

Biden and the Democrats need to keep the Pandemic narrative going to distract attention from the real crisis of his failed presidency.

Fred Bailey
Fred Bailey
2 years ago

An acquaintance recently said that Trump supporters were like Nazis…and I challenged that person with the Biden mandate about this vaccine…she did not get the correlation…there is none so blind as he who will not see

David Anbro
David Anbro
2 years ago

I hope that enough people have enough understanding of history to know that many dictatorships begin with a take over of the medical field. It’s a common theme in history. The left in this country has been working to this end for years and this virus has just sped up the process. Once they can mandate health care the country will, I think, be irrevocably damaged. We will slide faster and further away from being a representative republic. What we will end up being, I don’t know but it scares the hell out of me.

2 years ago

Relating to freedom being taken away, read the short book The Children’s Story by James Clavell. Pretty scary in the short time of Buy-den’s Admin. of his indoctrination being forced in many areas of our lives.

2 years ago

I will “retiring” a few years early on 12/31 because of this. 42 years with this employer but this will be the end. My physician does not want me to get this “vaccine” because of medical reasons. I had Covid. I have antibodies. But that does not matter when a tyrannical government imposes itself, and a corporation too willing to suck up bends over and caves. We can’t count of the court system to remedy this as they have shown themselves too often not upholding the constitution. If you have not yet realized it, we do have two Americas and I don’t see they changing anytime soon. God help us.

Eric Wilson
Eric Wilson
2 years ago

There is absolutely nothing this regime does that I’d support. The taxes on products they don’t approve of is further overreach

2 years ago

Biden, Harris, Faucci, and Pelosi have all said the government can’t mandate the alleged vaccine (which is nothing more than an updated flu shot) now they have all flipped and flopped like a fish out of water and are calling for and working to circumvent they way our government was set up to work to force their agenda and complete takeover of our country starting with these illegal forced mandates on the free citizens of this once great nation. I am appalled by the number of sheeple who have classified themselves as conservative that have fallen into their trap.

2 years ago

Joe Biden and his ‘handlers’ are nothing short of a Hitler gov. Where and when does this stop and when do all the free Americans rise up and get rid of these socialist, marxist, control freaks!! I scares the life out of me and what this country is becoming!! The destruction they have done to this country and our way of life is terrifying! In such a short time period!! I’m afraid if it continues for the duration of this idiot’s term we may not recover even if Pres Trump were to win reelection. Every election from here on out will be compromised because they now know they can cheat and get away with it. I wish Republicans would grow some backbone and fight back! They talk and talk and do nothing!!

Kevin Mullen
Kevin Mullen
2 years ago

I am a fervid believer in individual rights… until the point where they conflict with others’ rights. Vaccines are one of those instances. I am fully vaccinated,,, by my own choice. I do not want my health threatened by those who choose to not be vaccinated. Staying home is not and should not be considered an option for the vaccinated. It is reasonable however for employers (including governments) and businesses to bar the unvaccinated but NOT to mandate vaccines. Quarantining healthy citizens likewise was a huge government overreach and should never have been contemplated or complied with.

2 years ago

The Executive Branch of our government does not have the Constitutional authority to make laws. Biden is a fool and the American people need to put an end to his continued nonsense.

2 years ago

They are getting more and more arrogant every day

2 years ago

Totally disagree with the proposed mandate. There are proven treatments, my body my choice. If you are vaccinated, why should you be concerned if I’m not? Your protected, right?
Stand up for your rights to live in a free country.

Meredith Galeano
Meredith Galeano
2 years ago

What happened to HIPPA and medical privacy???? This is just one more nail in the coffin of America and freedom.

2 years ago

Obama was the worse President in our history. Now he is second behind this “puppet” bum!

2 years ago

F**k Joe Biden! F**k Joe Biden!

2 years ago

The Federal Gov’t thinks it is way too powerful. They work for the American people not vice-versa.

2 years ago

The “vaccine” is a bio-weapon, and must be ended. The CDC’s VERS system is already reporting over 14,000 deaths directly related to the “vaccine”, and yet is being mandated as safe and effective, lying and saying the pandemic is now being caused by the “unvaccinated”.

Bob Booker
Bob Booker
2 years ago

Get this guy and his string pullers out of office ASAP, while we still have a country left.

Robert Frutiger
Robert Frutiger
2 years ago

We are slowly loosing our precious Bill of Rights that the founding fathers gave us. If we allow small incursions into this arena, then ww will one day wake up to find we have no rights at all. Take a stand before it is too late!

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
2 years ago

We the people had better find a way to get rid of the communists within our institutions, or we will turn into one of the s***hole countries President Trump mentioned. I would suggest that we spend our money taking back the house and increasing our numbers in the Senate in 2022. Then bring back the House committee on Un-American Activities and purge American institutions of these weasels for good.

2 years ago

People please take the time to google Dr.Fauci 2016-2017 where he predicts that the sitting president in 2020 will go through a global pandemic.If you wish to be vaccinated do so,but there are many who choose not to be,but it should never forced upon anybody,but the federal government is over stepping its boundries

Sheri Lucado
Sheri Lucado
2 years ago

Trump Won. Sadly the courts refused to look at the election fraud. Biden didn’t know what office he was running for, twice commented about the senate campaigning with a dozen people for a crowd. In other news- India has used Ivermectin to treat covid 19 with excellent results. One state in India, the size of Michigan in land area, with 240 million population knocked down covid 19 to less than 200 cases since August 2021. Ivermectin pills have been used for humans for decades. Safe with a low incidence of side effects. Ivermectin is a Cheap, generic drug. Too many doctors are revealing the c19 vax isn’t working. Too many deaths and injuries from c19 vaxxes. People with Natural immunity should not take a c19 vaccination. Vaccine deaths are too high & Serious side effects are too common for the c19 vax. It’s a treatment, not preventing c19.
States rights. The federal government shouldn’t be making mandates.
Glad to see the FDA doesn’t support a booster. Real Science coordinated decisions not political decisions for the citizens of the USA. Children shouldn’t become pawns with low risk of c19.
Border protection is something the federal government has an obligation to do. Over one million illegal aliens crossed into the USA since January 2021. That is a border crisis the Biden administration promoted by stopping the Wall. The illegal aliens are bringing more c19. They’re not required to get the c19 jab.

Sheri Adams
Sheri Adams
2 years ago

Read the book by Manning Johnson Color , Common Sense, and Communism
Written in the 1950’s, it is exactly fitting for today.

Lynda Buchholz
Lynda Buchholz
2 years ago

With the media turning this into a circus and our government trying to force us to take the vaccine with scare tactics it makes a person want to back away with fear and not take the vaccine. Give the people credit for not being dummies. We know what our bodies need. We are intelligent people!

J Van Horn
J Van Horn
2 years ago

If you voted the Biden administration is on the right track, you need to move to China!

Jon Harrington
Jon Harrington
2 years ago

It seems that most Americans agree that what Biden is doing is wrong and in many cases unconstitutional. If this is the cases, which we believe is so, why aren’t the people and institutions in positions of power such as the supreme court doing something to stop this insanity! This not some faculty room theoretical debate, this is happening NOW and is destroying our country. How can the supreme court stand by and accept what is happening at the southern border!! This has to be stopped.

2 years ago

I think it’s sad that the government needs to even think about mandates for this. This virus is real but overreach by this so called president and the flip flop from the “experts” only deters more people from getting vaccinated. Too many times I read that people who died in the hospital said they are sorry they didn’t get it. There are so many outrageous reasons used for not getting the vaccine and few are accurate. I got the vaccine early February this year and haven’t grown hair on my nose, decided I’m a women or any of the conspiracy theories out there. The last numbers I saw was that 94% of patients in the ICU were unvaccinated. Yeah, you may still get the virus if you’re vaccinated, but the chance of requiring hospitalization is very small. Additionally, from June through August 2021, preventable COVID-19 hospitalizations among unvaccinated adults cost over $5 Billion. Hospitals not being able to focus on other emergencies have resulted in folks who should have been saved were not. Trump’s warp speed provided us with a vaccine but I wonder how many people won’t take it since it has his name on it and their HATE for him is stopping them. Only 58.9% of the USA population has been vaccinated, truly sad since we have the tool to bring our country back to somewhat normal and people won’t use it.

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