AMAC in the Media

President Trump is Committed to Protecting the Health and Safety of America’s Seniors

Posted on Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

Protecting Our Seniors and Nursing Homes

Under President Trump’s leadership, the Administration has taken steps to protect senior citizens, people with disabilities, and those with preexisting conditions during the coronavirus pandemic.

  • To protect seniors, the President directed Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to raise the infectious disease standards at nursing homes across America.
  • CMS has conducted target inspections throughout the healthcare system, ensuring that residents susceptible to serious complications are protected.
  • CMS announced requirements for nursing homes to inform residents and their families when COVID-19 cases arise in their facilities.
  • President Trump is delivering critical supplies and assistance for our seniors during the pandemic.
    • The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced nearly $1 billion in grants to assist older adults providing services such as home delivered meals and care services in the home.
    • President Trump signed legislation that provides free coronavirus testing through Medicare and Medicaid.

President Trump has Always Fought for America’s Seniors

  • Throughout President Trump’s administration he has worked to provide America’s seniors with better healthcare and lower drug prices.
  • The President has fought against the radical Medicare-for-None policies which would jeopardize seniors’ benefits.
  • Last year, the President signed an order to improve and protect Medicare for our Nation’s seniors, maximizing their choice and ensuring access to quality care.
  • President Trump has taken action to drive down drug prices for our seniors and is committed to ending the scourge of surprise billing.
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Mary Ayala
Mary Ayala
4 years ago

Besides being conservative Republican..which I am.. What are the differences between AMAC and AARP? Most restaurant’ theater.resturants. etc. advertise they accept AARP..but not amac?

Mary Ayala
Mary Ayala
4 years ago

Besides being conservative Republican..which I am.. What are the differences between AMAC and AARP? Most restaurant’ theater.resturants. etc. advertise they accept AARP..but not amac?

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