AMAC in the Media

Unglued, Doctors, Border

Posted on Friday, January 7, 2022
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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2 years ago

I believe Obama is running this behind the scenes.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

Thank you AMAC and Rebecca for bringing factual information to the table. As for uncle Joe, his lies are encircling him and “the party”. It’s too bad the rest of his supporters are still in denial. 2022 elections will be a watershed moment for America. As for China, it’s nice to see the Chinese adopting the look and style of the KKK. Good job. I hope those who are being paraded around are proud of their stand, although they probably won’t live long enough to become a hero. As for our kids, this is exactly where the socialist/marxists want them to be. They will become ignorant of the facts and totally reliant on the “government”. Unless, we intervene. 2022 is critical for our nation. We must vote these criminals out of office. Get busy folks, it’s not over till it’s over!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

At least we know that Senile Joe doesn’t know anything about prices unless someone else tells him. As usual, DIMMs use theater. Remember when Pocahontas swilled a beer straight out of the bottle? She’d never drunk a beer in her life; strictly a wine and champagne woman! All fake: all the time!

Howard MacKinnon
Howard MacKinnon
2 years ago

This is the 1st time in history that the unvaccinated are being blamed for a vaccine that does not work!!

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
2 years ago

Our borders are wide open, no testing or vaccines but are schools are closing again? Where is the logic in this? The government wants us to blame the un-vaccinated but they allow over 1 million unknown, untested, un-vetted individuals to flood across our borders? Where is the logic in this?

2 years ago

If we would all just quit getting tested unless we’re medically fragile or genuinely ill, most of the hysteria would go away.

2 years ago

If we would all just quit getting tested unless we’re medically fragile or genuinely ill, most of the hysteria would go away.

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